In a world where devotion intersects with duty, Kovilur Swamiji’s speech at ITCX23 was a masterclass in how tradition can meet action. Grateful for the opportunity to speak, Swamiji began by acknowledging the platform provided by Temple Connect, expressing his...
In a world where traditions often fade, India’s temples stand tall as eternal symbols of culture, spirituality, and connectivity. Smt. Tamilisai Soundararajan ji, Governor of Telangana and Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry, captured this essence in her compelling...
Shri Prasad Lad ji’s speech at the International Temple Conference showcased a visionary concept for uniting and strengthening Hindu temples globally. Addressing historical challenges, he emphasized the resilience of Hindu temples, which have withstood attempts...
Day 1 of ITCX 2023 kicked off with a thought-provoking speech by Shri Giresh Vasudev Kulkarni, a visionary in the temple management space. His insights set the tone for an engaging and transformative event, emphasizing the need for modernization and convenience in...
Hindu temples have long been revered as sacred spaces where devotees connect with the divine and seek spiritual solace. These architectural marvels not only hold religious significance but also serve as cultural and social hubs within communities. Over centuries, the...